WOW Women of Wellness Event Attendance Lottery

The Chill Inn Lanesboro initiative is sponsoring 2-4 Lanesboro & Whalan area business women to attend the WOW Women of Wellness conference on Thurs., May 11, 2023, from 10am-4pm at the Bleu Duck in Rochester, MN. This event is executed by Winona State Adult & Continuing Education.  Event registration & mileage (carpooling preferred) will be covered by grant funds.  Attendees will be randomly chosen based on responses to this survey. You will be notified by April 10, 2023. Please see survey link below. 

-Chill Inn Lanesboro initiative (collaborative initiative led by the Lanesboro EDA, City of Lanesboro, Lanesboro Area Chamber of Commerce (LACC), & Lanesboro Businesses Promotion Group (LBPG))

Disclosure:  This survey is advertised through the LBPG, LACC, and City email lists.